What's New In Spine Surgery?

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS)
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS)
MISS is the latest advanced technology available to perform spinal surgeries through small, less than one inch long, incisions. It involves the use of special surgical instruments, devices and advanced imaging techniques to visualize and perform the surgery through such small incisions. MISS is aimed at minimizing damage to the muscles and surrounding structures.

Robotic Assisted Surgery
Robotic Assisted Surgery
The ExcelsiusGPS® Robotic Navigation platform is the first technology to combine a rigid robotic arm and full navigation capabilities for precise trajectory alignment in spine surgery. The system is designed to improve accuracy and optimize patient care by using robotics and navigation.

Cervical Disc Replacement
Cervical Disc Replacement
Cervical disc replacement surgery is an alternative to the traditional cervical spine fusion surgery, which involves the permanent fusion of two vertebral bodies, eliminating movement between them.